Agora, Flyover Zone

In this tour, you will learn about the Agora, the marketplace of ancient Athens. You will learn about the marketplace, civic buildings, religious sites, and more.
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The Agora is typically described as the central public square and marketplace of ancient Athens, but in reality it was much more than that. The open space used by sellers of goods and services was surrounded by public structures of varying size and architectural and decorative sophistication which served essential civic functions of administration, communication, commemoration, religious activity, and spatial organization. The virtual tour features approximately 40 sites and monuments ranging in date from about 500 to 150 BCE, as well as numerous inscriptions and sculptures. The notional date of the virtual tour is the year 100 BCE, at the end of Athens’ history as an independent city-state and before modification of the Agora under Roman rule. Like the other tour in the Athens Reborn series, the Acropolis, the virtual tour of the Agora was created with the collaboration of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. In fact, the contents of the tour are drawn mostly from the American School’s excavations in the Agora, which have been running since 1931.

Audio: English

Subtitles: English

Bernard Frischer

Project Manager:
Alberto Prieto

Tour Guide/Narration:
Alberto Prieto

Scientific Advisors:
Jenifer Neils
Chavdar Tzochev

Alberto Prieto

3D Modeling:
Lasha Tshkondia

Art Direction:
Mohamed Abdelaziz

Robert Pitt
Andrew F. Stewart

Image Credits:
The panoramic photographs of the Agora are reproduced with the permission of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports.
The photograph of the marble votive relief dedicated to a hero (gift of Joseph V. Noble, 1957 57.42) is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The photograph of the column-krater depicting cavalry (Rogers Fund, 1907 07.286.65) is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The photographs of Panathenaic amphorae (Rogers Fund, 1914 14.130.12, 1907 07.286.80, and 1916 16.71; Fletcher Fund, 1956 56.171.4) are courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The photograph of the neck-amphora depicting hoplites (Edward C. Moore Collection, bequest of Edward C. Moore, 1891 91.1.463) is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The photographs of the bell-krater depicting the Hephaistia festival (Fletcher Fund, 1956 56.171.49) are courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The map of Greek dialects in the Classical period (using data from Roger D. Woodard [2008], “Greek dialects”, in Roger D. Woodard [ed.], The Ancient Languages of Europe [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press], p.51) is by Future Perfect at Sunrise via Wikimedia Commons.
The photograph of the marble statuette of the Mother of the Gods (Rogers Fund, 1922 22.139.24) is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The photographs of dining vessels (accession numbers 48.136.2, X.21.33, 23.74, 41.162.244, 41.162.262, 65.78, 1977.11.5, 40.11.24, 41.162.151, 1977.11.4, 07.286.34, 06.1021.105, and 10.210.15) are courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The photograph of The Death of Socrates (1787) by Jacques Louis David (Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1931 31.45) is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The photograph of the hydria depicting women at a fountain-house (Rogers Fund, 1906 06.1021.77) is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
The photograph of the hydria depicting the abduction of Persephone by Hades (gift of Miss Matilda W. Bruce, 1907 07.128.1) is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:

Created By:
Flyover Zone

Special Thanks:
John McK. Camp, II

The Flyover Zone team dedicates this virtual tour to the memory of Andrew F. Stewart (1948-2023), Professor of the History of Art at the University of California at Berkeley (1979-2019).

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