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- Bibliography
Flyover Zone takes you on a virtual tour of the South Theater in Hadrian's Villa. Located today on private property not open to the public, the South Theater was a gem of Roman art and architecture. Seating over 1000 spectators, it is famous today for its sculptural decoration, which included a series of statues of Apollo and the Muses. Follow Prof. Bernard Frischer, the director of Hadrian's Villa Reborn, and archaeologist Alberto Prieto on this virtual tour to see the standing ruins of the South Theater as well as dramatic aerial panoramas of the villa and the Tiburtine landscape. This tour transports you to 11 stops around the theater and includes four time warps that allow you to compare the appearance of the site today to its ancient appearance.
The Bulgarini family, which owns the land on which the ruins stand, is pleased to grant this virtual access to the people of the world. They would like you to appreciate the amazing ruins so lovingly preserved by generation after generation of the family for the past four centuries.
Audio: English
Subtitles: English
Bernard Frischer
Project Manager:
Alberto Prieto
Tour Guide/Narration:
Bernard Frischer
Alberto Prieto
Bernard Frischer
Alberto Prieto
3D Modeling:
Matthew R. Brennan
Art Direction:
Mohamed Abdelaziz
Created By:
Flyover Zone
Special Thanks:
Andrea Bulgarini
Henning Burwitz
Robert Mangurian
Mary Ann Ray
Michael Ytterberg
Museo dell'Arte Classica
Skulpturhalle Basel
Flyover Zone dedicates this virtual tour to the family of Countess Daniela Bulgarini, with deep gratitude and respect.
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- A. Penna, Viaggio pittorico della Villa Adriana. 4 vols. Rome: Tipografia di P. Aureli, 1831-1836.
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- H. Winnefeld, Die Villa des Hadrian bei Tivoli. (Jahrbuch des Deutsches Archäologisces Instituts Rom - Erganzungshefte 5.) Berlin: G. Reimer, 1895.
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