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Travel back in time and experience the Stadium Garden in Hadrian’s Villa with our virtual tour. Explore the impressive complex of buildings used by Emperor Hadrian for imperial audiences and banquets.
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Flyover Zone takes you on a virtual tour of the so-called Stadium Garden in Hadrian’s Villa. As you’ll quickly see, the complex was neither a stadium nor a garden but–as the modern excavations revealed–an impressive complex of buildings richly decorated with sculpture. It was used in warm weather for imperial audiences, a place for strolling, and imperial banquets. Highlights of the tour include the South Nymphaeum with sixteen statues illustrating the tragic story of Niobe and her children; the South Hall, where you can see Hadrian presiding over an imperial audience; the North Hall, where you can see the one sculpture gallery known from the villa; the North Peristyle, which included an intimate dining room (triclinium) and even the emperor’s very own toilet. This tour includes nighttime views when the place was transformed by the artificial lights into one of the most enchanting parts of Hadrian’s government retreat. Your guide is Prof. Bernard Frischer, Director of the Digital Hadrian’s Villa Project.

Audio: English

Subtitles: English, French, Italian, Spanish

Bernard Frischer

Project Manager:
Bernard Frischer

Tour Guide/Narration:
Bernard Frischer

Bernard Frischer

3D Modeling:
Lasha Tskhondia

Art Direction:
Mohamed Abdelaziz

Davide Angheleddu
Carter Conoway
Allen Hahn

Juliette Bolloch (French)
Ambra Spinelli (Italian)
Nancy Peniche May (Spanish)

Image Credits:
The Buti-Mengs engravings of the Villa Negroni frescoes appear with the kind permission of the Wellcome Collection.
The photograph of the “weeping rock” at Manisa, Turkey is by Carole Raddato (CC-BY-SA 2.0).

Created By:
Flyover Zone

Special Thanks:
Matthew Robert Brennan
Wilfred Geominy
John Herrmann
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway
Marina Sapelli Ragni
Michael Ytterberg
the students in ARAH 4591 Spring Semester 2013 at the University of Virginia
Abguss-Sammlung Antiker Plastik (Berlin)
Collection des Moulages (Geneva)
French Academy in Rome (Villa Medici)
Museo dell’Arte Classica (Rome)
Skulpturhalle (Basel)
Slater Museum (Norwich, CT)

The team expresses gratitude to:
Adolf Hoffmann, for his epochal research on the Stadium Garden

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