Tenochtitlan, Flyover Zone

Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Mexica (or Aztec) Empire located in the Basin of Mexico, a now-vanished lake occupied by Mexico City. This city of perhaps 300,000 inhabitants–one of the largest in the world at the time–consisted of a dense network of islands and artificial platforms interconnected by canals and linked to the mainland by causeways.
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The capital of the Mexica (or Aztec) Empire is brought back to life as it appeared in the year 1521 CE, on the eve of the Spanish invasion which resulted in its destruction. Stunning aerial views allow you to take in the full extent of this sprawling city built on islands and reclaimed land in Lake Texcoco, now the site of Mexico City. A team of professional Mesoamerican archaeologists explain its history and significance and take you to its most important structures. Along the way you will learn about the most prominent features of Mexica society and culture, including administration, water management, agriculture, art and architecture, commerce, education, religion, and warfare.

Audio: English, Spanish

Subtitles: English, Italian, Spanish

Project Managers:
David R. Hixson
Jeffrey R. Vadala

Bernard Frischer

Tour Guide/Narration:
Atta Otigba (English)
Carlos Ortíz Ozeta (Spanish)

Nezahualcoyotl Xiutecutli
David R. Hixson
Carlos Ortíz Ozeta
Randee Fladeboe
Nancy Peniche May (Spanish)

3D Modeling:
Jeffrey R. Vadala

Art Direction:
Mohamed Abdelaziz

Santiago Ferreyra / ADV Estudio
Susan Gillespie
Gerardo Gutierrez

Ambra Spinelli (Italian)
Nancy Peniche May (Spanish)

Image Credits:
Images by Deror_avi, Adriel A. Macedo Arroyo, Drini, Chaccard, Satori Marort, Luidger, and Joe Ravi via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Flyover Zone

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