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- Bibliography
The basilica built by the emperor Maxentius between 306 and 312 CE was a landmark of ancient Rome, for several reasons. First, it was the last civic building erected in the vicinity of the Roman Forum. Second, its design and materials, which were borrowed directly from the giant bathing complexes like the Baths of Caracalla and the Baths of Diocletian, gave it a scale and grandeur that surpassed the city’s older basilicas and rivalled even the imperial palace. Third, in an age when the empire’s center of gravity had shifted elsewhere, it also made a bold statement that Rome was still a source of political power. Finally, it served as the emperor’s “office,” where he could show himself to a large audience as the almost divine leader of his society. In this virtual tour, Flyover Zone’s Director of Content Dr. Alberto Prieto takes you through the historical and topographical context, architecture, and decoration of this extraordinary edifice, including the iconic colossal statue of Constantine the Great now in the Capitoline Museums.
Audio: English
Subtitles: English
Bernard Frischer
Project Manager:
Alberto Prieto
Tour Guide/Narration:
Alberto Prieto
Scientific Advisors:
Amanda Claridge
Bernard Frischer
Paolo Liverani
C. Brian Rose
Russell Scott
Barry Strauss
Pier Luigi Tucci
Alberto Prieto
3D Modeling:
Lasha Tshkondia
Art Direction:
Mohamed Abdelaziz
John Pollini
Image Credits:
Panoramic photograph of the basilica today su concessione del Ministero della Cultura – Parco Archeologico del Colosseo
The photograph of the colossal portrait bust of Constantine (bequest of Mary Clark Thompson, 1923; Accession No. 26.229) is courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: www.metmuseum.org.
Created By:
Flyover Zone
Special Thanks:
Luise Albrecht
ArcTron 3D GmbH
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