Since Oculus is discontinuing support for the Oculus Go and is not accepting any new Go submissions to the Oculus Store effective December 4th, Flyover Zone, too, is ending all future distribution on the Oculus Go platform.
What does this mean for you?
If you own a Go, do not fear. All our existing applications on the Oculus Go will continue to be available for purchase. Oculus will continue offering technical support for the Oculus Go through 2022, and thus we should expect our existing Go applications to be available for purchase at least until then.
Starting in December 2020, no new applications will be accepted by Oculus for the Go platform, so Flyover must accept that reality and plan to move to the Quest. Until now, the Oculus Store has restricted the offerings for the Quest. The Store has stated that it will be more liberal in its acceptance policy once the Go has been phased out. We at Flyover are, therefore, hopeful that we will be able to distribute our applications to anyone with a Quest starting in the first quarter of 2021.
Flyover Zone has already prepared all our virtual tours for the Quest, and we are standing by ready to submit them as soon as the Oculus Store opens the window to us.
CEO, Flyover Zone